Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Assignment 8/12-18 late

Sorry this is late, without seeing many posts for our last assignment I wasn't sure what to do, so I'm gonna go ahead and post this one and y'all can do this one after finishing the last one. ;)

I have to say I'm kind of a comic nerd, I read them, I see pretty much every movie that comes out based on a comic book and keep up on them, I say that because it's pretty much the reason for this weeks assignment.

So for this weeks assignment we're going to be creating another character, but this time we're making a superhero/villain, the choice is up to you if your person character is good or a bit more evil. I figure every good hero or villain needs a decent origin for why they are like they are, so I'm thinking a civilian name, name they use while in costume, what powers they have and how they got them, and why they decided to be a hero or a villain.

So there it is, hope you all have some fun with this one maybe. :)

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