Sunday, August 19, 2007

Assignment 8/19 - 25: "Hold on. I gotta lick my phone."

Well, folks, I think the title says it all...

No? Alright, I'll explain.

This weeks assignment, should you choose to accept it, is all about eavesdropping! I want you to keep those ears open, and jot down all the strange, amusing, interesting, or cool sounding things you hear. Why? Well, for several reasons, really. One, it helps with dialogue. Dialogue can be a tricky thing to write. The more you really concentrate on listening to the way people talk, the better your writing of dialogue becomes. Second, entire stories have been based on bits and pieces of overheard conversations. Wanting to fill in the blanks is a great way to get those creative juices flowing. Heck, you can even write down things you say, if you're inspired to do so. The point is, if you hear something that makes you think you can create a story about it, or write a conversation between two characters around it, then write it down.

And yes, the quote in the title is a real one, and was the inspiration for this assignment. ;-)


Heidi A Wilde said...

This sounds like a fun idea :) LOL! I'm at work and a couple of my coworkers were outside my office as I was reading our new assignment and I heard: "First you find the holes, k? Push in, then you pull out." "Ouch! You made me cry!"

So good timing! LOL The second person happened to have the hiccups and the first was telling her a pressure point remedy, but I thought it was funny.

goodnevili said...

Sorry...This week has become busier than I expected, new semester started and what I thought would be a walk through the woods will, be a very stressed semester locked in my room. MY apologies. I don't think I'll make the deadline this week.