Thursday, July 19, 2007

Assignment 3: Show and Tell (July 15-22)

***One bad thing about doing our writer's group in a blog is that as late post come in the new assignment gets bumped down. So, I've decided to re-post this with a new date stamp so that it will be at the top (I hope).

Sorry I'm posting this late. I wasn't sure that it was my turn or if I should post a new assignment before everyone is done with the last one. I decided to just go ahead and post now so people could start on this one.

Show and Tell: Children in elementary school look forward to show & tell days eagerly. After all, it's the day that they can openly bring their special treasures to school and share them with everyone. The point isn't just to bring the objects to school, but to tell others about them, to share details that help others understand why an ordinary teddy bear or a banged up toy dump truck is something special. For your writing assignment, choose something for show & tell. Your job is to write a short something (story, poem, just whatever) that shows us the object and tells us why it's important to you. You'll need to use lots of details to demonstrate the significance of the object.

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