Sunday, July 29, 2007

Assignment... Assignments :)

Okay, I was going to try and post this a week ago so people didn't get confused, but obviously I didn't. :P I had sent this out in an email, but I think it got lost. I revised it a little (and skipped last week, giving it up for lent :P) So... to start today, here's the list of when its your turn for an assignment.

Hurt Family: 7/29-8/4
Banana: 8/5-11
Clever Name: 8/12-18
T. Fisher: 8/19-25
Kal: 8/26-9/1
GoodNEvili: 9/2-8 (Four Season's Haiku - one for each season)

Let me know if I've missed someone who's been actively posting. We'll see who's joined up once we get to Good's week and go from there, but this should last us a bit. I am hoping to have time to try Hurt's time travel posting idea so it doesn't look like I was as much a slacker as I really am :) and post my Show and Tell today.

(P.S. - Happy Anniversary, Poop)


Haven said...

Thanks, Poop!


Haven said...

Oh, and Poop. My url is hurtfamily04...not 2004...

goodnevili said...
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