Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 1- July 7 Names by Hurt Fam

1. My social chatterbox librarian's name is BRIANNE SMITH. Brianne is a namesake of a friend of mine who is a very smart, very chatty butterfly. And Smith because aren't all librarians named Smith??

2. ALASTAIR MACMAHON is the jealous younger brother. I dunno...I just don't like the name Alastair. It sounds like the parents gave the better name to the eldest and this was the left-over.

3. BETTE VALE is the name that comes to me when I think of a 1920's crooner. This character didn't state whether the character was male or female, so I opted for a female. Bette was a common name back then and Vale sounds like a name she picked for herself to make her stand out in a crowd.

4. My lecherous fast-food owner's name is FRANK QUAIL. I dunno...Frank seems like a lecherous, greasy fast-foody name to me for some reason *peers*, and Quail is a scurry-run type of bird that would maybe throw some people off the scent of his lecherousness...ess..ess.

5. GREG CARLTON is the name I chose for "Dr. No". Carlton sounds like a name of a Harvard/Yale grad-family who chose this profession for their son.

6. PETRONELLA STAPLETON is the name I chose for our spoiled social-climber. It sounds like a self-important name, and one of a spoiled person. At least to me. And Stapleton is a common-sounding, non-ton name of a merchant.

So there you have it, folks.


Heidi A Wilde said...

That was awesome, poop! I'm glad you decided to join up. You did this exactly how I was hoping it would be done, so everyone can look to yours as an example. You crack me up! There isn't a lot of critique to be had in this assignment, so I won't really get into that. I thought they were very fitting names with vivid reasoning behind. esss...esss...esss ;) You forgot to say why Greg was the cheater from the upstanding family, but I think I have an idea *blinks* Good show!

Debra Christiansen Jacobson said...

Good job! I especially like Frank Quail and Petronella. Petronella, for some reason, makes me think of snot. How weird is that?!

Hillary said...

Kudos to you and Debra for not gender stereotyping! A female crooner and a female lech? Refreshing!
I also enjoyed "Petronella." It just screams obnoxious!
But, Glass Darkly, I don't think you should underestimate this assignment. I found that I had to do research for it just like anything else and it also spawned lots of ideas!

T. Fisher said...

I think you're on to something. I do believe you are correct that all librarians have the last name 'Smith'. You have put us all to shame. *grin* These names are great, but I have to say that I quite like the name Alastair. It sounds rather stately. Not that I'd ever give it to some poor child, but still...

A clever name said...

Great job on the names, I liked them all hehe :) Would have to say my favorite is Bette Vale, I dunno if I ever made that time machine out of lawnmower parts I've been thinking about and went to the 20's, I'd totally see her.