2. I got help on this one from this website. Unfortunately, it also made me realize that this one required a lot more thought and research than our timeline would allow, so I give you merely a first draft: Neachdan fiz Muirgheal. "fiz" means "son of," matronymically. In this story, the older son was named patronymically and also received the title. Muirgheal was a woman of standing in her own right, thus meriting a son named for her. Neachdan's byname is irksome to him, being a misogynist as all bitter and jealous men are.
3. Headlining this week at the Pink Rose Speak-Eas--uh, Night Club is a fresh face whose sure to make your "hearts buzz," Jazz Babies. Shake your shimmy to the voice as smooth as bathtub gin: Buzzy Hart!
4. Lester Beansley Doesn't your mouth just curl up in snarl when you say it? His does when he says it.
5. Ement Metzger The son of prominent German born Chicago surgeons, Ement always had trouble living up to expectations. Ement from the latin ementior meaning to devise falsely or make false statements. Metzger is German for butcher.
6. Melisande Millar It's a grand sounding name for a lady of grand proportions who would be grand. The surname's spelling was altered by her parents and is pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable in an attempt to hide her humble origins.
Speaking of names and meanings, I just watched The DaVinci Code special features. Did you know that Bishop Aringarosa's name means red herring? If I'd have known that, I would have figured out the book even faster!
Yes, I guess you are right, its wasn't as easy as it might at first have seemed, but that's why I put it in "'s :P I kind of thought "shorter" too, but it is a little time consuming. I'm really excited you guys finished it! I'm going to post mine, at the midnight hour because that's how I roll. I'm glad there was some gender bending as well, my lech was a woman in my head when I wrote the assignment we'll see how it turns out. I really liked your doctor's name. It makes me wonder about all the names of characters I've read. Have I missed part of the story? Thank you for adding the site where you researched your Scottish name as well. That was impressive. Speak Easy... *Grins* Can I say again how excited I am about this group?? Anyway, I'm rambling again. Good job! Thank you!
Wow, Hill
That was fabulous. All of your research paid off. Color me impressed! And how cool about the "red herring"... hhhmmmm.
Wow. If I ever met a doctor with a name like that, I'd run as fast as I could in the other direction.
Fantastic job with researching these names, and I thought the part about your librarian dressing like Madonna was hilariously random. Great character development. *grin*
Great names, have to say that I just wanna hate Lester Beansley on principle.
You are amazing Hillary! I must say my favorite is Miss square peg in a round hole! :)
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